CDMD expansion in China Telecom holding company of the original site.
互联网In 1999, Vinda International Holdings Limited , Vinda's holding company, was incorporated in the Cayman Islands.
1999年, 维达国际控股有限公司在开曼群岛注册成立.
互联网In 1979, several business units constituted Wong's Industrial ( Holding ) Company Limited and ran the business jointly.
1979年由多个商业单元联合组成王氏工业 ( 集团 ) 有限公司,统一运作.
期刊摘选However, the core of enterprise group is holding company, namely Group Corporation.
而企业集团的核心是控股公司, 也就是集团公司.
期刊摘选As a holding company, resources are best allocated and efficiently managed.
作为控股公司, 我们将最有效地调配资源.
期刊摘选U.S. Federal Reserve will retain several of the largest banking holding company supervision.
期刊摘选Firewall system is widely applied in foreign countries and Taiwan related legislation of financial holding company.
期刊摘选Investment holding company of Shanghai Fudan Software Park shares with the concept of venture capital.
期刊摘选Ford Motor CredIt'spokesman said company did not bank holding company restructuring plans.
期刊摘选Commitment of assets into a holding company is a commitment, rather than commitment to the Company.
资产注入的承诺是属于控股公司的承诺, 而非本公司的承诺.
期刊摘选China Changfa , incorporated in Jersey, is the holding company of Xi'an Changfeng Aluminium Recycling Co.
格林威治标准时间2007年2月27日早7时, 中国长发铝废品回收利用有限责任公司开始交易.
期刊摘选Q 10 . Can a foreign issuer apply as an investment holding company for a primary OTC listing?
期刊摘选The GMAC allowed to become a bank holding company also plans to rescue the powerful added.
期刊摘选On the whole, financial holding company has advantages over strategic ally in range efficiency.
总体上, 金融控股公司比战略联盟具有范围效率优势.
期刊摘选Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy protection, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley became a bank holding company.
雷曼兄弟申请破产保护, 高盛和摩根士丹利变成了银行控股公司.
期刊摘选The ability of creating an internal capital market is an important characteristic of a holding company.
期刊摘选It can provide a kind of practical reference for multimode holding company management system.
期刊摘选The Company is an investment holding company.
期刊摘选It is a holding company for businesses in land development , port operations, energy and financial services.
它是一家从事房地产, 港口业务, 能源和金融服务的上市公司.
期刊摘选The holding company Brevini Group a turnover of 329 million Euro, employing 1500 people.
期刊摘选The holding company was just a blind.
期刊摘选Another company formation UAE is private share holding company.
期刊摘选The case of this research is the subsidiary company of Finacial Holding Company – Taipei Fubon Bank.
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